Saturday 4 February 2012

Mock Tomato Sauce Version II

This version of my mock tomato sauce has been designed to work in dishes like spagbol,  chilli con carne and other stews and casseroles.  I bulked the sauce out with lentils, but this gives it a bit of a powdery taste, so if that's not to your liking I'd use more potato to give it some bulk. The basis of this sauce is mock tomato sauce version I, so, yep, you have read bits of this before.

2 red peppers*
1 courgette
1 cooking apple
1 teapoon of vinegar
Olive oil
a splash of balsamic vinegar ( optional)
salt and pepper to taste.
1 and 1/2 cup of water ( ish)
1 small potato ( tennis ball size)
1/2 a sweet potato( tennis ball size)
1 carrot ( about 30cm long)
1/2 cup lentils (soaked overnight if required)

*capsicum/ sweet peppers not chilli peppers

Prep time: 20 min
Cooking time: 40-50 min

1. Pre heat the oven to 200°C
1.5 Place the lentils and 1 cup of water on to the hob to boil, cook as per packet instructions (normally boil vigorously for 10 mins, then reduce heat to simmer for 20 mins until the lentil are soft)
2. Peel the courgette and chop lengthways then width ways into 1/4s or 1/8s.
2.5. Peel and chop the potatoes and carrot ( about 1-2 cm). Place in a pan and cook util tender.
3. Wash the pepper, remove the seeds and chop into 1/6s.
4. Place on a baking tray and lightly spray with olive oil, add salt and pepper to taste.
5. Place the vegetables in the top of the oven for 20-25 mins, until they are soft and tender.
6. Peel the apple and chop into 1/8s, remember to remove the core.
7. Place in a pan with a little water and vingear, and boil until the fruit is soft but not mushy. Save the water.
7.5. Once the potato and carrot have cooked, remove from the heat and mash. (save some of the cooking water to add back to the sauce later)
7.75 Once the lentils have cooked drain of the liquid that is left, fluff through with a fork and mash.
8. Once the peppers and courgettes are roasted remove them and cut into smaller peices. 
9. Mash all the vegetables and apple with a potato masher, ricer, or with a blender, to form a smooth-ish past.
10. If you need the sauce to have a runnier texture add in some of the saved apple/ potato water.
11. Add in balsamic vinegar for a sharper taste if desired.
12. Add to spagol, cilli and other stewed or caserolled dishes instead of tomato.


  1. Sounds yum... but fix your spelling and grammer please :-)

  2. Done. Although technically it's 'grammar' :P
