Tuesday 4 September 2012

Low-fat Upside-Down Cake

A tip top upside-down cake- the tart yoghurt of the cake goes well against the sweet syrup- yummy! The cake doesn't have much fat in it, but there is quite a lot of sugar! I've used marderins for this cake because there where some left over from another meal, but any tinned (or cooked) fruit will work.

Prep time 20 min
Cooking time 20min

1/2 tin of manderins, drained from the juice.
1 egg, divided into yolk and white
1 large teaspoon butter/ low fate spread (about 25g)
1  large teaspoon low fat Greek or Natural yoghurt.
2 level desert spoons caster sugar
3 desert spoons golden syrup
3 desert spoons of marderin juice
A few drops of vanilla essence

1. Pre-heat the oven to 150 deg C
2. Place the fruit neatly at the bottom of a pyrex dish.
3. Spoon the syrup evenly over the fruit and put to one side.
4. Add the spread, yoghurt and egg yolk in a bowl and stir until fairly smooth, don't worry too much about any lumps.
5. Add the sugar and vanilla essence to the yoghurt/egg/spread mix and stir in.
6. slowly sift in the flour to the mix until the mixture is quite stiff.
7. Add in the manderin juice and stir, the mixture should still be a bit thick at this stage.
8. In another bowl whisk the egg whites until they form stiff peaks.
9. Spoon the egg whites into the cake mix and fold in.
10. pour over the fruit and syrup, then place in the middle of the oven for about 20 min, or until gold brown and firm to touch.
11. Be super careful when removing from the oven as the syrup is molten hot, allow to cool then turn out up-side-down on a plate. Serve warm with cream, ice cream or custard :)

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