This is a simple treacle scone recipe based on my experiences of the WWII scone recipe. It's also a traditional Scottish recipe which I've tweaked because I don't like using raising agents in my baking. It's quick and yummy; so why not cook some home-made treats for visitors All Hallow's Eve this year?
I should note that this recipe uses black treacle and NOT golden syrup, and when I write treacle I only mean black treacle despite regional naming conventions. The measures are in desert spoons because I've recently moved house and can't find the scales.
Prep time 15 min
Cooking time 20-25 min.
10 heaped desert spoons self raising flour
2 heaped desert spoons of butter, spread or margarine
2 round desert spoons of sugar
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1 teaspoon of ginger
a splash of milk.
Makes 12 medium scones.
1. Pre-heat the oven to 180°C
2. Cover a baking tray with foil or grease proof-paper and dust with a little flour.
3.Sift all of the dry ingredients into a bowl, remove and sift again.
3b. Sweep up dropped flour, dust off the dog and clothing if flour explodes.
4. Repeat step 3, replacing any lost flour from the bag. This is to give an airy mix without raising agents.
5. Rub in the butter.
6. Stir in treacle.
7 Drip in milk a little at a time until a dry but soft dough is formed.
8. Roll dough out on a floured board or clean work surface to about 2 cm thickness, then cut with a spooky cookie cutter, or not-spooky cookie cutter if you like. A top tip I recently learnt from a friend to make scones that rise evenly on both sides is DON'T twist the cutter, just push straight down and remove.
9. Place on the baking tray and place in the middle of the over for 20-25 min or until firm and treacley brown.
10. Remove, smother in butter and enjoy. Also very good with jam and cream :)
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