Tuesday, 1 October 2013

Rouge Squadron X-wing Cookies

Continuing this weeks trick or Treacle theme I think I've found the coolest cookies possible- x-wing gingerbreads!

This recipe makes about 16 soft biscuity gingerbread x-wings for films nights or Halloween parties.

Prep time- 15min
Cooking time 10-12 min

10 heaped dessert spoon of flour
2 dessert spoons of sugar
2 dessert spoon of butter
1 heaped teaspoon ginger
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
1 cardamon pod of seeds, crushed.
1 dessert spoon of treacle
2 dessert spoon golden syrup
1 dessert spoon of cold water.

NB- the recipe is in dessert spoons because I still can't find the scales. Treacle refers to black treacle, and syrup means golden syrup. Don't add rising agent to this dough- you want the detail to remain in the biscuit, and rising will stop this. I made my x-wings using a soft silicon ice-cube mould.

1. Pre-heat the oven to 170°C
2. Sift the flour and other dry ingredients together.
3. Rub in the butter.
4. and the treacle and syrup, stir in well
5. Hopefully a crumbly dough will start to form already, at this point SLOWLY add a dribble of water, just enough to form the dough into a ball.
6. Flour the silicon mould, and knock of the excess
7. Divide the dough into 16ths, place a blob in one of the x-wing shapes, pressing gently. Ensure there is dough around the x-wing shape- this allows you take x-wing out of the mould without loosing any important bits. I've tried covering the whole mould then removing and diving the x-wings, and making each x-wing the same size as an ice-cube without the base dough- the x-wings came out looking like they had met a squadron TIE-fighters on the way to the baking tray.
8. Place on a baking tray and cook in the middle of the oven for 10-12 minutes, or until golden brown. Keep a close eye on the x-wings and the lasers tent to burn quite quickly.
9. Remove from the oven and proceed to re-enact the Battle of Yavin, Bakura or Endor- or just fly the squadron straight through the magcon field with a glass of milk :).

Diamond nine formation of X-wing cookies!


  1. Your recipes have become a story in their own right

  2. Replies
    1. We don't just get the old 400g flour, mix well, 30mins at gas mark 6. We get Lasers and alternate measurments. and battles.
